Well, 1.5.0.x and 2.0.0.x are still being developped at the same time. is somewhat equivalent to ...
1.5 should be
Well, 1.5.0.x and 2.0.0.x are still being developped at the same time. is somewhat equivalent to ...
Not sure what you're directing that comment at. Do you mean the listed file that's hosted as '1.5' is wrongly labeled?
Or do you mean that the notation about the "current version" is incorrect? As helpful as pointing out which files are updated, that discussion has been gone over many times. We'll just remind you that this is Old Version.
I think he means there is an error in that part :
Overview of Mozilla Firefox
Official Web Site - http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Company - Mozilla
Current Version - 1.5
What Happened?
2.0.4 <> is NOT roughly equlivent to
There are a significant number of security problems with 2.0.4 still,
that I do not use it. has benefitted from fixing existing security problems, fixing 2.0s security problems, and NOT getting the new security problems from the new code base of 2.0.4.
Please put up The Mozilla team is starting to make it hard to update, insisnting that its safer ( Its NOT safer in terms of both known vunerabilities NOR in terms of unknown future vunerabiliies. 2.0.4 is the target for malcious websites. )
I request you put back up.
Would you like actual code citations?
Would you like arhitectural discussions?
Would you like security reports?
2.0.4 is NOT even roughly like
As of 2007-12-21, 10:19 p.m.
The Curent version of firefox is
The Next version in beta is 3.0b3
Unfortunatly, I have to switch to Opera!
No need for that, and we — or at least I — don't really care. No need to take that tone either.
It is a fact that, when 1.5 was still developped, a version 1.5.0.x was released the same day as a 2.0.0.y to fix mostly the same security breachs. Now 1.5 is not developped anymore (and so the latest 1.5 still has security breachs that never will be fixed); yet if you really want to get it, you may find it on the official servers, until it becomes available here at OldVersion too.
Section has been updated
Alex Levine