Did you read the above post? Go to ebay and get it.
Edited by SSS. Forgot to put a link to ebay in case you didn't know the address.
Last edited by SSS at Dec 7 2002, 02:36 PM
I am all so looking for it so help and try to help find the sites for all of us
Did you read the above post? Go to ebay and get it.
Edited by SSS. Forgot to put a link to ebay in case you didn't know the address.
Last edited by SSS at Dec 7 2002, 02:36 PM
Or you could go to ebay and get it
[B]As Far as
[B]As Far as I know, it is not legal to sell Windows® 3x in a auction (still protected by USA and overseas laws), unless you have applied for an downgrade license by writing , to Microsoft® or by contacting the seller to trasnfer the Windows software license to you .[B] And I guess that goes for the same as MS-DOS®.
How do you know?
Again, it is legalk if the selleer will transfer their software license for 3..x-illegsl if they doin't-is this correct?
But how do you know it is illegal?
You can get old versions of windows here:
Edited by Therese
It was a very nice site. But i wish there were bigger screen shots of of the versions though.