I would like to add to this post that after a lengthy discussion with Grandma, WE have decided that, we are not I anymore, but WE. The I part was there for a reason, now replies become we and edits become we. Grandma and Grandpa now request that any help from any members would be very much welcomed and we will take the attitudes. Grandma and I come from different parts of the world and from different cultures. We have done a lot of intensive study on the problems with the site and we are doing our best to help. You have two people who have never seen each other before who work hand in hand to help. That is what the site is about, cooperation and trust. If you break that trust then sometimes you must be edited. Like Grandma has said in a post reply, we are working on a set of rules and guide lines for the admin to look over. I am not as fluent as Grandma with words and she will be composing the base of the guidelines.
Grandma and Grandpa are watching, we are there to try to keep the site in its bounds. Before you post make sure that the links you put in are legal. If not legal in some way and the moderators concure then it will be edited. We do this with very little or no help from the admin. Grandma and grandpa are moderators not administrators, we do this because we try to help. We make no money from this activity and we spend a lot of hours looking the site over.
Thanks to anyone who has helped and who will help!