Did you have a previous version installed? If you did and uninstalled it, you only uninstalled the binaries, Microsoft WIndows uses a registry (database) to keep track of installed software. So even when you uninstall software, there is a record of it having had once been installed.Originally posted by SickAndTiredOfErrorMessages@Aug 16 2003, 09:35 PM
I do not have any version of MSN Messenger installed.
I do not use MSN, never had never will, So i might be wrong, but alot of software works this way.
the reasopn if might not be installing, and asking to download software - msn6 probably. Is becasue the software is designed to look for the NEWEST versio online, as soon as it begins to install. This would explain why it tells you to go to a site and download software.
A possible solution, would be to install MSN without being online. If you have DSL/CABLE, just unplug the NIC cable.
install te software. and maybe it will work fine.
And whats the NT error you titled the message with? Since you never mentioned an error with NT, but the error is with MSN, you should have titled the post accordiningly IF you want an answer that pertains to your exact question. Misleading in the title of the post might not get the attention for the question your asking for.
And also there really is no need to post multiple times on the forum the same exact question. Your question will get answered with 1 posting.
This is an active board and questions usually get answered very quickly.