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  1. #21



    I have been reading some threads on this forum regarding the merits / demerits of the various download managers available today.

    However, I want to tell that I am using Offline Explorer Pro 1.9 and I have found it highly userfreindly, and very powerful and feature rich.

    However, if someone else is also using it, I would like to ask if there is a download resuming feature in the newer versions? I mean like Getright has. Like if you are downloading a large file and power goes out, you can resume from there again.

    Thanks all.

  2. #22


    havent actually used that app but one of the main points for any download manager is the resume function and cannot remember seeing one that doesnt

  3. #23


    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for all your help, I was the person who started this topic and youve all helped.

    Ive decided to go for FDM (Free Download Manager)

    Its great, Ive finally found the one. Thank you.

  4. #24


    Oh and if anyone wants the link to the homepage to check it out, feel free.



  5. #25


    I will check that out too..

    I doesnt look though, like it integrates into the browser, at least not Mozilla and thats bad...

    Its true that the main reason to use a downloadmanager is resume and maybe organizing cuz Ive measured if they in fact download faster when they split a file and found that there arent no noticeable difference in speed when using them compared to download normal.

    See Ya! B)

  6. #26
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by WarLord@Jul 12 2004, 05:43 AM
    cuz Ive measured if they in fact download faster when they split a file and found that there arent no noticeable difference in speed when using them compared to download normal.
    This is important when you have a faster download speed then most servers' will upload a single connection at. For example. Most hosts are on a T1 (1.5Mbps), and it will only upload to you at roughly 150KBps, For me, I am able to download at 3.5-4Mbps (400KBps), and when i download a file, it will peak at 150KBps, as each connection is limited to only 150KBps alloted by the limit of the T1.
    Now when you land on larger servers T3 (45Mbps) etc., they sometimes will cap your download at the same speed of a T1 (150KBps). and again when I download a file, it will peak at 150KBps, as each connection is limited to only 150KBps alloted by the speed of the quota. If i can split the file into 3 sections, each connection now gets 150KBps X 3 = 450KBps. Now I can download the file much more faster making multiple connections and fully saturate my download bandwidth.
    so by creating multiple connections I can improve my speed.

  7. #27


    Which version of GoZilla was the last to be spyware-free? Either that, or can somebody suugest a similar program?

  8. #28


    The best of all download managers imho is Headlight's GetRight, and you can
    find links to it by going to this site's home page and looking under "Internet".
    Why waste your time looking for something inferior?


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