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Results 1 to 8 of 8
  1. #1


    I own a Windows 95 and in order to get rid of SPRY.NET inciting me to connect
    their server I downloaded a couple of versions of Internet Explorer (yes, a couple)
    which I am trying to get rid off as they do not work. I read several places that I
    can go to the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, then find I E, highlight it
    and hit Remove. Well, it doesn't work for me. Internet Explorer does not even
    appear in the box which would allow me to remove it.

    I may have downloaded version 5.5, version 6, and what else... to try to make I E
    work but nothing helped. I no longer know what to do. Can anybody help me???

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    you can try Lite98 add and remove Windows features, speed up your desktop and boot times and totally remove technology you dont want or need.

    IEradicator is a tiny, script that uses the Windows setup engine to surgically remove Internet Explorer versions 3 through 6.0 from Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium and Windows 2000(sr1).

  3. #3


    I downloaded the I Eradicator 2001.zip on my desktop but it did not do anything (did not clear the Internet Explorer files). When I clicked on the icon, the message "Word Pro could not determine the type of file for C:\Windows\Desktop\IEradicator2001. zip" came up. I don't know what to do now to make it work.

    Any suggestions???

  4. #4
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by Lapino@Sep 10 2003, 12:36 AM
    I downloaded the* I Eradicator 2001.zip* on my desktop but it did not do anything (did not clear the Internet Explorer files).* *
    when you download files from the internet, they can come in many forms. such as somefile.exe, the exe means it is an executable - it was run when double clicked on.
    there are somefile.zip, this is a zipped up file, it must be unzipped before you can run the exe file inside. These zip files must be unzipped, so you can use many programs to do this, such as Power Archiver, http://www.powerarchiver.com/ this is a program that will unzip many compressed files. and there is also a free unzipper called Stuffit Expander here. http://www.stuffit.com/win/expander/index.html

    Zipped files are packaged, for transferring files. All files you get on the internet that are downloaded in exe format are usually zipped as well, they just are packaged in a "self-extracting installer" format. they differ from the actual binary file you click on to execute a program to start running it.

    with the IEradicator program you downloaded, you need to uncompress it with one of the above mentioned programs, i would opt for the free expander - Stuffit since it is free and wont expire as other do.
    after you Install the Stuffit, then you now can double-click on the IEradicator to get to the installation files, to install it.

    Make sure, once you extract the IEradicator files, that you read any files that are named Readme, if there are any present. This will give you tips and instructions on using the program.

    ----- Now, when you say you downloaded a couple of Internet Explorers, how long did it take to download these files? are you sure you downloaded the actual program, or just the Internet Explorer setup file, which is only a couple kilobytes, would take seconds, instead of a good hour on dial-up - if your running dial-up.
    Just downloading a file, does not - in 90% of all instances, does not install the actual file. you have to install the file once you have downloaded the files.

  5. #5


    Thank you for your response. I appreciate your reply. I clicked on the StuffIt Expander
    site and it says it is for version Windows 98 or higher. I am wondering if it would be safe
    to download on my computer (mine is Windows 95)?

    I checked my system to see which Internet Explorer I downloaded and found one on
    August 31, 2003 which contained 496 KB. I also found my old version 2.0 - which I
    thought was lost forever - and when I doubleclicked on it I still get the invitation to join
    SPRYNET. Uggh!!! Getting kinda frustrating. Wish I knew more about computers.


  6. #6
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by Lapino@Sep 14 2003, 02:09 AM
    Thank you for your response. I appreciate your reply. I clicked on the StuffIt Expander
    site and it says it is for version Windows 98 or higher. I am wondering if it would be safe
    to download on my computer (mine is Windows 95)?

    I checked my system to see which Internet Explorer I downloaded and found one on
    August 31, 2003 which contained 496 KB. I also found my old version 2.0 - which I
    thought was lost forever - and when I doubleclicked on it I still get the invitation to join
    SPRYNET. Uggh!!! Getting kinda frustrating. Wish I knew more about computers.

    well you weont really be wanting to run IE 2.0, alot fo the HTMl wbe sites today are created for HTML 4.0, and that is not something IE 2.0 can handle, so you will be left with alot of sites that just wont display. and forget about the SSL web sites for secure transactions.

    the IE that you said with file size was 496kb, is just a setup file, it is not a full version of IE, IE is from 25megs to 50 megs is size.

    you do not have to use the stuffit, you can get a version of winzip from Oldversion.com that should work well on win95 systems, i think winzip 6 & possibly 7 should work OK on win95.

  7. #7
    Unhappy IE6


    I have recently "upgraded" to Internet Explorer 6 (on W98SE) with nothing but bad results. It keeps crashing, particularly when I'm attempting to enter another address in the address bar. An error message mentions Iexplore creating the problem.

    I was using IE5.5 SP2 and would like to go back. Any suggestions?

  8. #8
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by Unhappy IE6@Sep 17 2003, 09:13 PM
    I have recently "upgraded" to Internet Explorer 6 (on W98SE) with nothing but bad results. It keeps crashing, particularly when I'm attempting to enter another address in the address bar. An error message mentions Iexplore creating the problem.

    I was using IE5.5 SP2 and would like to go back. Any suggestions?
    well. can you uninstall the ie6.0? check the Add/Remove utility. so if it lists IE.
    I know it is listed on my system. I am running IE 6.0 SP1, and dont have any problems. When 6.0 first came out I did have some problems, so i stuck with 5.5 for a while. But SP1 seems ok on my system.
    After you are able to remove it. go download IE 5.5 once again.
    you can probably get it from here


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