Thats got to be a mistake, a chat app requiring 128megs of RAM??? Let alone 64megs. That would be if you have XP, but a single small app , the program itself isn't even 128megs in filesize. Where does the other need for this grossly large amount of RAM come from?Originally posted by DethLord@Dec 16 2004, 06:56 PM
4.8 requires 64MB ram and the 5 series requires 128 MB ram.
I can understand VMware requiring large amounts of RAM, as it is a virtual machine and emulates alot of different areas. Plus a complete operating system is running inside the VM, so it depends on what the OS requires, but... a chat app! If this is correct, then programmers at AOL need to learn how to program all over again. I've seen webservers running on machines with 16megs of RAM. I can run a complete operating system in 4megs of RAM and less. I can fit a complete operating system on a single 1.44MB floppy disk.
Just because some machines might have hundreds of megabytes does not mean programs should suck it all in.