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Thread: Web Browsers

  1. #1


    Hey what web browsers do you guys use or reccommend?

    I'm not to impressed with Internet Explorer currently on IE6

    Whats good for functionality?

    Whats good for custimization?

    Whats good for stability?

    Most importantly whats fast and isn't resource hogging or too bulky?

    If you could give me a web browser for each it would be most apreciated

    I think the sickest web browser I've come across is:

    Off By One Web Browser
    I think It might just be the smallest and fastest web browser to date!

    full HTML 3.2 support
    Its self-contained, stand-alone 1.1MB application with no dependencies on any other browser or browser component

    Also all pages, images and cookies are memory-resident and utilize no disk storage, so they disappear without a trace at the end of a browsing session.

    For Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

    Only down side is it doesn't support ActiveX, Flash or JavaScript.

    can't wait for your input

  2. #2
    guest_The Dude


    I recommend MyIE2

    Far better than ANY browser i've seen online!!

    The Dude

  3. #3
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    The fastest web browser is without a doubt, LYNX, http://lynx.browser.org/ . It runs on Un*x, VMS, Windows 95/98/NT but not 3.1 or 3.11, on DOS (386 or higher) and OS/2 EMX. Equally as impressive would be Links, http://links.sourceforge.net/
    less then 720kbs.
    I run Lynx on my server, and also across the network from a remote session.
    Off By One is a good fast browser as well. I've used it in the past. http://www.offbyone.com/
    I presently prefer to use Galeon, http://galeon.sourceforge.net/ but i am slowly switching more and more just over to Konqueror, http://www.konqueror.org/ for web browsing and file managment. The more features you add, the slower the browser wil be to load.

  4. #4


    Mozilla Firebird:

    Supports the latest in web standards
    Fast and Stable
    FULLY customizable
    Ad and popup blocking
    Portable ... available for nearly any OS

  5. #5


    Thanks heaps! checked them out it helped alot

    cheers dudes

  6. #6


    Originally posted by locustfurnace@Nov 7 2003, 05:10 PM
    The fastest web browser is without a doubt, LYNX, http://links.sourceforge.net/. It runs on Un*x, VMS, Windows 95/98/NT but not 3.1 or 3.11, on DOS (386 or higher) and OS/2 EMX. Equally as impressive would be Links, http://lynx.browser.org/ less then 720kbs.
    I run Lynx on my server, and also across the network from a remote session.
    Off By One is a good fast browser as well. I've used it in the past. http://www.offbyone.com/
    I presently prefer to use Galeon, http://galeon.sourceforge.net/ but i am slowly switching more and more just over to Konqueror, http://www.konqueror.org/ for web browsing and file managment. The more features you add, the slower the browser wil be to load.
    Thanks for the tip about Links. Blows Lynx, which I have been using, away. You should have mentioned of the dlls required for us window users though!

  7. #7


    Forgot to add you got Links and Lynx mixed up on your urls. :lol:

  8. #8
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    lol, yea. I'll fix that mix up. thanks for that.
    as for the dlls. sorry about that, but since I run both on BSD, i had not paid much mind for the Windows versions and requirements.

  9. #9


    I have to say Firebird, great plugins!!

  10. #10
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2003


    Originally posted by T@Nov 18 2003, 12:37 AM
    I have to say Firebird, great plugins!!
    Yes, Firebird is a good browser, except one draw back to it is, if you change the User Agent from its default (which can cause some problems in that also), if you change User Agent to something like Windows XP, i have gotten errors when loading Firebird with java enabled, stating not to use MS java but to use one for netscape. since the java thinks you are running IE, which is funny and i am sure will be fixed.
    not a big deal, but rather frustrating to have that error message open each time when loading the browser.
    solution is to return User Agent back to Original. but you might have some sites that don't work since your not running IE.

    the email client - Thunderbird is also a good app.


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