You do not say what OS you are running but assuming it may be XP click on Start > Run. Now type in dxdiag
This will tell you what Direct X you have and also will give diagnostics.
when i go on mircosoft and this site and a bunch of others i try to install directx9 cause i need that for a certain game and it'll download, but it wont install and won't show up on my program list..whats going on?
thxx. -carmen
You do not say what OS you are running but assuming it may be XP click on Start > Run. Now type in dxdiag
This will tell you what Direct X you have and also will give diagnostics.
well i got windows 98, but anyway the directions worked the same. so i did the run dxdiag , and it says under system information directx9.0c version, but all the way on the bottom it says dxdiag4.09.0000 and abunch of other numbers. is it installed or what? and also do you know any information about network connections? kk thnx alot
and also, it says under network that some pats of directx are missing or damanged and registry info
Are you actually networking i.e with two or more PC's on a LAN ? If this is the case you could have some conflicts between your networked PC's
it happen to me to i try to install vs9.0 but it said on my windows xp it said that
it did not pass the window logo testing .and how do i get my drivers signed .please help. ph34r.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif thanks very much
DirectX version 9 is the version of DirectX you have installedOriginally posted by Guest@Sep 12 2004, 04:49 PM
and it says under system information directx9.0c version, but all the way on the bottom it says dxdiag4.09.0000
dxdiag v4.09 is the version of the dxdiag installed. Its basically just a wrapper box around the directx components, its version is seperate from the main DirectX files.
Direct X 9 requires Win 98 Second Edition (or 98SE for short) or newer OS. Also, not listed anywhere in the MonopolySoft's web site is the fact that you need certain CPUs to install it (I could not get it installed in a Cirux 350 machine). If you tried with anything else (except dome of the AMD chips) it chokes and sometimes it tells you why sometimes it does not . In any case anytime you ask a question more information is better than little or none.
For example do say the
OS (i.e. Windoze 95A, 95B, 98, 98SE, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP home, XP pro, etc...)
any general service packs (usually from 1-6) example: Win 2000 SP2
What kind of machine (not brand but it does not hurt if you do but more important what is in it)
i.e. CPU: Intel Pentium 1, 2, 3, 4/ Intel Celeron / Cirux / AMD Duron, Tbird, etc..
Speed: 75, 233, 500, 800, 1000, 2000, 3000, etc..
Memory: 16MB, 32MB, 128MB, 2048MB, 256TB, etc..
Hard Drive Size: 200MB, 640MB, 1GB, 4GB, 8GB, 40GB, 250GB, 6100TB, etc..
This may help others help you. In addition if there is a program you are trying to run, do say that as there may be other ways to make it run.