Since Rhapsody took from Mach, Netbsd, OpenBSD, and now is - i believe, identified as "Mac OS X Server". which is not a free download.
I do not see it available for download from the Apple ftp site, i will assume it is not something you can obtain legally without purchase.
if you want to try Apple code on your x86 platform, try Apple's Darwin.
Apple Darwin
Darwin hardware compatibility list
you were looking for "yellow-box" of the Rhapsody code. you best bet is try the Darwin, or maybe go for BeOS.
i run Beos 4.5.2 on a 200Mhz machine, and it handles very nicely, and has built in web server called PoorMan. You should still be able to download the BeOS 5 PE, but if you want to install it on a stand alone machine, you are best to purchase a BeOS 5 Pro Cd, if you can find one.
The nice thing with the BeOs 4.5 CD i purchased years ago is that it has code to run it on a x86 machine as well as a PPC.